Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Deteksi Dini Konflik Manusia-Gajah berbasis WebGIS melalui Pemanfaatan Mobile Application dan Bioakustik di Bentang Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh-Jambi

Principal Investigator: Dr. rer. silv. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut., M.Sc. (

Program ini merupakan bentuk kerjasama antara Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Tropical Forest Conservation Action­-Sumatra serta didukung oleh Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Jambi, Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Jambi, Frankfurt Zoological Society, dan Forest Programme II.

Early warning system (EWS) berbasis GPS collar sebagai sistem mitigasi konflik manusia-gajah (KMG) di Bentang Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh, Jambi masih memiliki risiko bagi gajah dan berbiaya mahal. Tumpang tindih ruang seringkali menjadi masalah mendasar dalam konflik ini, sehingga membuat masing-masing kepentingan tidak terhindarkan. Pengembangan sistem deteksi ini tentu saja tidak meninggalkan sistem yang telah ada, karena tujuan akhirnya adalah meningkatkan akurasi dan respons sehingga potensi konflik bisa diminimalkan. 

Laboratorium Pengelolaan Satwa Liar, Fakultas Kehutanan UGM mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengkaji bioakustik, terutama dalam hal bioakustik gajah sumatera yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai early warning system berbasis suara. Kemudian, penerapan sistem tersebut akan dikombinasikan dengan webGIS dan mobile applications, dimana kedua perangkat tersebut akan meningkatkan efektivitas mitigasi konflik. Pengembangan ini menjadi alternatif yang tepat dalam deteksi dini KMG dengan memanfaatkan informasi dari mobile applications dan bioakustik. Sistem deteksi dini yang akan dikembangkan berkaitan erat dengan partisipasi publik melalui mobile appications dan kemampuan vokalisasi khas gajah yang dapat dideteksi dengan alat bioakustik (detail alur penelitian terdapat pada gambar dibawah).

Dengan demikian, integrasi antara webGIS dengan mobile applications dan bioakustik dapat menghasilkan informasi yang dinamis untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan mitigasi KMG di tingkat lokal. Pengembangan sistem ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi stakeholder lokal (seperti BKSDA Jambi) dan nasional (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan), serta masyarakat desa potensi konflik. Aktivitas dalam pengembangan deteksi dini KMG difokuskan untuk mencapai dua outcome, yaitu (1) peningkatan partisipasi publik dan kapasitas stakeholder untuk mitigasi KMG, (2) peningkatan kemampuan teknologi deteksi dini KMG dengan menggunakan integrasi bioakustik, webGIS, dan mobile application di Bentang Alam Bukit Tiga Puluh.

Assessing ecological functioning of meso-mammals in the forests in Yogyakarta province by revealing its diet composition

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sena Adi Subrata (

Mammals have many ecological functioning. From the ecological point of view, the functioning can be traced by investigating how they process matters and energy flowing into their body. Practically, investigating diet composition can be used to estimate the ecological functioning of a mammal species. In this study, we have investigated the diet composition of seven meso-mammal species commonly found in Wanagama and Wonosadi forest, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Javan mongoose, bush and bandicoot rats, leopard cat, common palm civet, small Indian civet, and Sunda porcupine were the species of study. More than 80 feces samples of each species were collected in both forests during the dry season of 2018 and 2019. We determined host of the feces by recognizing its appearance (Figure 1). Identification of taxa found in the feces was conducted by molecular analysis (the first three species above) and micro-macroscopic analysis (the rest of species). Molecular analysis using COI marker (metabarcoding) was applied to identify taxa of diet item of Javan mongoose, meanwhile marker ITS gene was used to identify the fungal diet of bush and bandicoot rats. We found that Javan mongoose consumed rats, including bush and bandicoot rats, at a substantial proportion. Besides, the mongoose also preys upon Galliformes (most likely chicken) and many taxa of insects (Subrata, et al.2020; Subrata et al. 2021). Furthermore, our results showed that the rats consumed pathogenic, saprophytic, and mycorrhizal fungi (Subrata, manuscript). Although mycorrhizal fungi were a minority in the diet item of rats, however, this finding evidenced the important ecological functioning of rats as a mycorrhizal disperser. The fungi are particularly important in nutrient absorption by plants thus play an essential function in restoring critical lands. Assessing the diet of other species by micro-and macroscopic analysis, we found that leopard cat and small Indian civet shared various insect taxon as their diet (Permatasari and Subrata, 2020; Sentosa and Subrata, 2021). Additionally, we found that plants were the majority diet item of common palm civet (Laras and Subrata, 2020) and Sunda porcupine (Madila and Subrata, 2020). In general, we found that most mammals hold potential functioning as a disperser of fungi and plants. They also control the population of various insect taxa.

Publications from this research project:

  1. Subrata, S.A., Siregar, S.R.T., André, A. et al. Identifying prey of the Javan mongoose (Urva javanica) in Java from fecal samples using next-generation sequencing. Mamm Biol.101, 63–70 (2021).
  2. Subrata, S.A., Siregar, S.R.T., Subeno et al. Diet composition of the Javan mongoose (Urva javanica) within two forests across a karst landscape, on Java, Indonesia. Trop Ecol62, 254–260 (2021).
  3. Subrata, S.A. Revealing gut mycobiota composition to assess ecological function of bush Rat (Rattus tiomanicus) and bandicoot Rat (Bandicota indica) in forest lands of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia (manuscript to be submitted, 2022)
  4. Santosa, G.S. and Subrata, S.A. Komposisi pakan musang rase (Viverricula indica) di hutan Wonosadi dan hutan Wanagama. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2021).
  5. Permatasari, U.D., and Subrata, S.A.. Komposisi Mangsa Kucing Kuwuk (Prionailurus bengalensis) di Hutan Adat Wonosadi dan Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2020).
  6. Madila, I.W., and Subrata, S. A. Komposisi jenis pakan alami landak jawa (Hystrix javanica) di hutan pendidikan Wanagama dan hutan adat Wonosadi kabupaten Gunungkidul. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2020).
  7. Laras, W and Subrata, S.A. 2020. Komposisi pakan musang pandan (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) di wanagama dan wonosadi gunung kidul. Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada. (2020).



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